The series is very well-received and award winning even (the first book of the series--In the Bleak Midwinter)--won multiple awards. In fact, I remember one librarian noting how she enjoyed how the novels were evolving as a series.
And the series is taking a dramatic turn in this novel as Spencer-Fleming has on her author webpage that: Police Chief Russ Van Alstyne didn't expect any gossip in the town about his carefully contained feelings for the Reverend Clare Fergusson. So he certainly doesn't expect to be the prime suspect when his wife is found murdered in their own home.
My book club read the first book of the series and we enjoyed the story and wondered very much about the missing Mrs. Van Alstyne in the book (she doesn't appear in the novel). And I know some have continued reading the newer Spencer-Fleming books.
Now back to the email, I like the news that the author is touring and will be coming South (maybe even the Carolinas?). I also like that the message is headed by "News From The Kill" ("Kill" is the first part of the name of the New York community), and an interview with Spencer-Fleming is mentioned on the nifty "Murderati" blog. That blog is written by 7 mystery writers "dedicated to mysteries, murder & marketing." The interview was on the August 19th posting. Here's a pix of Julia from her website.

And finally, I was surprised when I took a long look at the Spencer-Fleming website and found my name. When you look at the "Reading Group Guides" entry there are questions for two books. I'm listed in the second series of questions for In the Bleak Midwinter. Now that's a surprise to me as I submitted the questions months (and months) ago and didn't get any notice that they would be posted.
Oh well--surprise!