Thursday, September 24, 2009

It Came in the Mail (2)--

In another mailing (months ago old, I'm afraid), I received 10 very nice promotional brochures for writer Jane K. Cleland's new book Killer Keepsakes (a Josie Prescott antiques mystery). Called a "sneak preview" on the top, this brochure gives the first two chapters of the book, book series information, and invitations to contact Ms. Cleland.

Of course, the author's website is mentioned which includes interactive appraisal challenges from a notable auction house, book discussion questions and comments of critic's praise for earlier work. That website also has a nifty YouTube video with Cleland discussing the five components of a "traditional mystery."

I passed out the brochures during the September book club and two attendees recognized the author and had read her work with one saying she had read Killer Keepsakes.

Keepsakes is the fourth Josie Prescott book of the series.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It Came in the Mail--

Months ago I received a nice postcard promoting a new mystery The Examined Life (a Gil Rodrigues Mystery) by Virgil Jose for the book club. Unfortunately for us, we don't have it in our library system but its good to find out what we're missing.

War vet and widower Rodrigues is a private investigator who receives a jot to his stagnant world as his best friend, David Chang, is suddenly murdered. He looks into the crime and finds Chang's business affairs along the way touches upon professional assassins and international espionage. Pushing the issue on this case, Rodrigues does move to enact a personal revenge.

Crime Spree Magazine says the book is "one of those small gems that deserves to be dug out of the thousands of books published each year." According to the Amazon website, this is Jose's first published work of fiction.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Fan for Rick Riordan

As I was waiting in the car dealership for my car for a routine service call last week, I pulled out my book club selection, The Body in the Record Room and began reading. You have to travel with a book right? Also, the book club session was mere days away.

Anyway, at some point I snickered at a line in book--which I'll unabashedly do while reading--when a woman sitting near by heard me and asked about my book. I showed it to her and she said the book cover is possibly enough to sell her to read the book (she read inside the book jacket too). Take a look for yourself.

Truth be told, I didn't get into the grimmer aspects of the book at that point so I could not share such in a conversation but we talked a little and she brought up the topic of favorite authors. She really enjoyed reading the adult mystery titles of Rick Riordan with private eye Tres Navarre (he's a renaissance man with backgrounds as a martial arts expert and a doctorate in medieval literature according to the author website).

The fellow driver said she enjoys Riordan's capture of the Texas lifestyle, etc., etc., as she is former resident of Austin and the novels take her there in stories. Here's a googled pix of Riodan.

That's good for me to know. I have to admit--for a while I've heard much more about teen readers interested in Riordan's Percy Jackson fantasy series for youth.

Overall, of course, it's good to know what others like to read and I enjoyed talking to the fellow Honda driver.