Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Notice about a new cozy mystery series--

Recently I received a reply to a post about a new book series courtesy of the author which stated "if you like pre-teen to grandmother for all ages, cozy mystery series, check out" and I thought mmmmm. Well, the website is for the "Mrs. Bundle Mystery Series" by author Allison Cesario Paton.

Our library system does not have any of the "Mrs. Bundle" titles (nor do any others as I checked in the WorldCat database) but that might change as the series continues. There are three titles to date. The stories involve Lettie Bundle, a senior sleuth in Vermont, her pet dog Cracker, and a teenage neighbor Angie Andersen teaming up in search for adventure. And take a look at the book covers, you'll know you're in cozy mystery territory with all the different colors and Mrs. Bundle's gentle, soft appearance.

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