Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Newspaper Mystery Book Critic Salem Macknee Hosts Library Program

Salem Macknee holding paperback
mystery during library program
(photos by blogger)
On Thursday June 13th, The Charlotte Observer's Salem Macknee was the presenter for informative "Hot New Mystery Novels for the Summer" program at the library.  As billed, the evening showcased upcoming book titles in the mystery genre with a comprehensive breadth of the new novels for the season.

With a simple handout for program guests, Macknee zipped the list of titles and authors--some with a synopsis--from May through August.    And for any curious about Salem's favorite among the upcoming books--the first page of the handout is entitled "Salem's Top 12 for the Summer 2013."

Threatening weather didn't keep away a few hearty souls to attend the event which concluded with Macknee sharing a number of books from her work location as giveaways for those interested.

Salem going through
summer reading list
A long-time interest in mysteries and a long-time career in newspaper work combined to make an effective relationship when reviewing mystery books.  By taking available opportunities to provide local book reviews at newspapers, she was able to move to reviewing mysteries and to become a favorite with staff editors by offering compact, short reviews.

While reading, Macknee says the novels have to capture her interest very early on for her to continue on for a book review.  She has option to review books which interest her and to avoid the rest. Macknee skips Washington, D.C. stories and courtroom novels for instance.  On the writing side, she prefers to write positive reviews and to avoid "trashing" books.    

During the presentation Macknee mentioned how far along she was reading a few titles she had, adding she averages reading one or two novels per week.

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