Walking by the new books at the library closest my home I spotted a new book billed as "a Rat Pack Mystery" and sure enough, it features entertainers Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. on the cover. Unexpectedly, I checked it out on the way out the door.
Author Robert J. Randisi's Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime is a novel set in 1960 Las Vegas with the famed "Rat Pack" filming the original "Ocean's Eleven" movie. And despite the fun and excitement of filming the movie, one cast member receives sinister threats and a well-connected, local casino manager is asked to discreetly get involved and investigate the threats.
So, why pick up this title? Handled poorly it could be a silly effort and Sinatra and Co. may not need their lives in yet another book. I suppose the previous and voluminous work of Robert J. Randisi--he's credited with working on five different detective series in this book--sold me and I guessed he could make it work. And so far more than 100 pages in, I guessing right.
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