Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is fortunate to have advocates for its future and well-being such as its "Friends of the Library." This non-profit organization supports the library in a few ways and assisting with the purchase of new library material as a goal. That said, it is the sole fund raiser goal for the Friends' annual spring book sale.
Jumbo in nature to attract the greater public--vacant public space is secured for the book sale for several days so people can canvass the display areas to look for books about crafts, travel, sports, religion, children's and young adult books among others. Tomorrow marks the end of this spring's book sale with a bonus reduction of existing items (books, DVDs, music CDs, albums, etc.).
I'm glad this was the second year in a row I was able to volunteer to help in the Friends book sale, on a warm Sunday afternoon no less. I'd like to think that the Friends group appreciates seeing library staff pitch in to make this project work. And I was pleased to receive a freebie for volunteering for an afternoon shift.
For the bibliophile, there are a lot of items donated which may include some nice surprises. My nice surprise was to find a copy of Gillian Flynn's mystery-themed Gone Girl. I had hoped to read a copy of this title at some time--a still very popular book--but I wasn't sure when. Now, my chances have vastly improved.
No doubt, I want the book sale to succeed. It is great to see the interested people come in, find good things and make purchases. The library benefits. The public benefits.
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